Downtown Sheridan Distance 0.00 miles

Continuing past Healy Reservoir, you’ll be traveling through historic ranch lands. The ride will then take you north through the hill country east of the Bighorn Mountains along U.S. Highway 14 to the City of Sheridan. Spend the rest of your morning, and some of your afternoon visiting the museums and historic sites, take a stroll through Kendrick Park, and maybe take in an early show at the WYO Theater! Make sure to catch lunch at one of the many eateries, from chain fast food and sit down,... Read more...

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Cowgirl Coffee Bar & Mini Place Hotel Distance 0.00 miles

This building was originally home to the town doctor, W.J. Knebel, then later the home of the original Buffalo Bulletin, owned by the Todd family until the mid 1900s. When owned by the Bulletin, the building contained the press room, an actual steam press, and living quarters above the business.

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Fort Phil Kearny Distance 0.00 miles

The last leg of this ride will take you back south to the little town of Story. Ride old Highway 87 down to the historic site of Fort Phil Kearny. This fort played a prominent role in the hostilities between the settlers and the plains Indians during the 1860’s. The staff in the Interpretive Center will introduce you to the context of the Indian Wars and Bozeman Trail and guide you through a viewing of the Forth diorama that depicts, to scale, the complete Fort as it would have looked back t... Read more...

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Fetterman Monument Distance 0.00 miles

After visiting the Fort itself, loop around to the Fetterman Monument. Here, Captain William J. Fetterman and his men were ambushed by 2,000 Native American warriors while trying to rescue a besieged wagon train. This was the second worst defeat for the U.S. Army against the Plains Indians.

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Wagon Box Fight Distance 0.00 miles

After visiting the Fort itself, loop around to the Fetterman Monument. Here, Captain William J. Fetterman and his men were ambushed by 2,000 Native American warriors while trying to rescue a besieged wagon train. This was the second worst defeat for the U.S. Army against the Plains Indians.

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Campbell County RockpileMuseum& Open-Pit Mines Distance 0.00 miles

Campbell County Rockpile Museum, which serves as the local history center for the county. The Museum collects, preserves, and exhibits the objects and documents important to the history of Campbell County and northeast Wyoming. For the locomotive enthusiast, you’ll find trains still roll down the Burlington Northern Santa Fe tracks carrying cattle and freight to market. If it strikes your fancy, take a short detour south to Campbell County’s open-pit mines and experience them up close. Jus... Read more...

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Devil’s Tower Distance 0.00 miles

Heading out of Gillette, you’ll turn north on U.S. Highway 14 and be on your way to Devils Tower. Teddy Roosevelt designated Devils Tower as the nation’s first national monument in 1906. It could even be called the nation’s first natural monument. It is actually the core of a volcano exposed after millions of years of erosion brought on by the Belle Fourche River and the weather. The tower itself is 865 feet high and there is a paved walking path around the perimeter, measuring at 1 ¼ mil... Read more...

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Sundance Distance 0.00 miles

Once you’ve had your fill of the awe-inspiring structure that is Devils Tower, it’s time to continue east on to Sundance. Yes, the Sundance Kid got his name here, and you can have your picture taken with him at the Crook County Museum! See the Sundance Territorial Jail and courtroom furniture used during his trial and 18 month sentence. Sundance lies at the foot of Sundance Mountain in the Black Hills of Wyoming, where the Native Americans held their sacred Sun Dance ceremonies.

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Keyhole State Park Distance 0.00 miles

Finally, as you head back to Buffalo, you can make your final stop at Keyhole State Park and visit the Keyhole Reservoir. Keyhole State Park is situated between Sundance and Moorcroft on the edge of the Black Hills, just within sight of Devils Tower. It offers excellent fishing and water sports opportunities, in addition to picnicking, hiking and birdwatching. Visitors have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of wildlife, including mule deer, pronghorn antelope and wild turkeys. The marina has a ... Read more...

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Medicine Wheel Distance 0.00 miles

If high mountain vistas are your thing, this all-day ride is for you! Start your morning on Interstate 90, north past Sheridan, to Ranchester. From there, jump onto Scenic Byway, U.S. Highway 14, and head west. This road will split and if weather allows, you’ll be taking the alternate route. This way, you’ll get to see the sacred treasure Wyoming calls the Medicine Wheel. The Medicine Wheel sits atop Medicine Mountain, measures about 80 feet in diameter, and is thought to have been constru... Read more...

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